Dr. Pautz is a firm believer in nutrition and that NOTHING replaces fresh, organic or even biodynamically grown vegetable and fruit intake prepared from scratch in your own kitchen or at one of the local health food stores or eateries focusing on that goal.
In response to her patients’ needs and on request, Dr. Pautz offers cooking classes and has held a number of them in the past. They typically focus on one or two topics: homemade salad dressing with lots of herbs, healthy vegetables, some wholesome desserts on special request.
Nutrition is part of every new patient intake. Dr. Pautz does not believe that any particular diet is the right diet for everyone. She believes in teaching her patients healthy habits for life. What is right for one patient may not be the right thing for another.
Classes are small and intimate. Seven participants are minimum and fee is $100 per adult and participant. Like everything she does, it is not for everyone. She claims that a lot of average consumers eating out all the time could save $100 per month implementing ideas into healthy lunches they pack.
Please call 904.246.3583 for more questions or if you think you would like to get a group together. At this moment, no date is set.