Storytelling Green Snake & the Beautiful Lily: Friday December 6. 6-8 pm
A wisdom filled famous fairy tale with lots of imaginary visions with deep meaning by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
Dr. Pauz will read part of the story and dive into the meaning. Nurturing our imaginary forces in a time where we deeply need that intuitive and nurturing work for our souls.
This is a PAST storytelling Event with Elaine Charles
Storytelling in its true sense is inspiring our children, and actually adults, with beautiful imagery that is nurturing to our soul and higher being. It is supposed to inspire and give hope. And be a compass of ethics code for the rest of our lives. It is like a meditation when done in the right way. Lots of us will remember children books from our childhood that are still dear to us toy, and frankly, I have some that inspire me today and that I am so happy and eager to share with my families in my practice. Because wholesome childhood is a foundation for a wholesome life.
Elaine Charles has a career as a passionate art teacher in the public school system and has always been inspired by the Waldorf School philosophy. She loves art and fantasy to infuse into her children she teaches. When done in the proper way these things become soul forces that help us solve and survive difficult life circumstances.
We are so lucky Elaine Charles approached us to facilitate this afternoon to ring in the holidays.